Job Title: Software Applications Developer
Job Description:
Upgrade enterprise resource planning (ERP) program for manufacturer and wholesaler of baby apparel. Develop software to integrate sales from all sources, such as mobile platforms or at wholesale, such that they are reflected in the inventory management system. Customize ERP system to track the use of raw materials and labor at each step of the apparel-making process to optimize cost and minimize inefficiency. Adapt the ERP system for mobile platforms, ensuring compatibility with all browsers. Analyze various user needs, define business processes and determine how to automate them within the IT system. Develop and implement cyber-security measures for the company’s IT system. Confer with users and management to identify and resolve problems.
City where the Job is Located: Houston, Texas
How to Apply: Mail resume to Paty Investments, Inc., 4540 S. Pinemont Dr., Suite 110, Houston, TX 77041, Attn: Derrick. Refer to Ad#BG.